Unanswerable Questions

Our minds sometimes amaze us because of its ability to think of things beyond rational and logical thinking. This is why humans are known to be the most valuable creatures on earth because we have a level of cognition that is comparably different from the rest.

We have the ability to question the things that are happening around us. More than that, we go beyond plain asking and would even come up with questions that seem illogical and unanswerable.

Children are the perfect example of those who tend to ask out-of-this world questions. Notice that they would suddenly ask something that arouses their curiosity. For example, a kid would come up and say, “Why is the sky blue?” Usually, they seek for reasons that satisfy their question regardless of the weight and accuracy of the answers. Why do we ask questions when we know that there are no definite or even logical answers to it?

Unanswerable Questions Defined

Unanswerable questions are questions that limit the boundaries of human cognitive aspect and define the limits of our existence. When we think that we know the answer to everything, we must realize that our minds also have the inability to find a reasonable answer to some things even with sufficient research and deep common sense.

There are questions that can be considered difficult to answer such as metaphysical questions, but with adequate resources and research, we find answers to it. The question “How do you define a soul?” is an example of a metaphysical question and somehow we find an answer although it may not be definite.

An unanswerable question may be serious or not, may be funny, illogical, weird, and bizarre. Riddles are playful questions and, although unanswerable in nature, are still provided with answers to satisfy the purpose or the main concept of a riddle. With its nature, this type of questioning falls under the higher order level of question category in Bloom’s level of questioning. Since there are no definite and accurate answers, a person is forced to become imaginative and would be required to analyze the question.

Obviously, this type of question is not suitable for situations that require factual knowledge or the first level of thinking. It is not appropriate as well for evaluative approaches which require logical judgment of a situation or acceptable resolutions to a problem.

During moments of despair and sorrow, we are bound to ask ourselves questions of this type. Although these questions may be vague, they reflect the realities of everyday living. These are the questions that you often ask yourself but answered insufficiently and unsatisfactorily.

Essential Questions can be Unanswerable

When we are questioned on the essence of life and the realities of it, we are asked essential questions. Topics about life, death, life’s purpose, faith, marriage, friendship, and creation are targeted by essential questions. And because this type of inquiry requires deep thinking and personal contemplation, there are certain essential questions that are unanswerable at the same time.

Some people are not completely satisfied with just leaving some of life’s questions unanswered despite its utter vagueness. You probably have asked yourself, “What is the purpose of life?” or “Does death mean eternal life?” With this manner of asking, it is no wonder unanswerable questions define the human existence.

Examples of Unanswerable Questions

Here are some examples of questions that are barely answerable:

1. “What happens when we die?”
2. “Why do dreams exist?”
3. “Is eternal life the ultimate phase after death?”
4. “Why is the earth round in form and if it is not, then what is its shape?”
5. “Why does a rain drop and a snow fall?”
6. “Can you tell if the universe is infinite?”
7. “Do blind people have the ability to see their dreams?”
8. “If the speed of light is measured, can the speed of darkness be gauged, too?”

Unanswerable questions remind us that even with the broadness of our level of thinking, we have limits to the possibilities the mind can ever think of. Although the truth may not be discovered, at least we are awakened to life’s realities. Sometimes, we come up with answers that are idealistic, and the revelation is against our will. There are people who are continually searching for the meaning of life with a strong belief that they will find answers.

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